WritersWeekly’s Author Service Center only refers authors to the best of the best. If you provide any of the following services, you can submit an application to us for review.
We do not charge to advertise on our site but we do require a 15% referral fee for all work we send your way. You can review our service provider contract RIGHT HERE. Please do not complete our contract until we have approved your application. Instructions are below.
Please bookmark this page so you can come back, and submit the required materials when you are ready.
Book Editors
- Links to five books you have edited that appear on Amazon. They must have the “look inside” feature enabled on Amazon. We may request that you send us an electronic copy of the books in their entirety. Please request permission from each author before sending those.
- Five references from individuals for whom you have provided book editing services. Email addresses of references are required.
- A list of the different types of editing services you offer.
- A list of your rates for these services.
When you’re ready, submit your proposal to us RIGHT HERE.
Oh, if only we had a nickel for every person who contacted us wanting to pay someone to write their book for them…
- At least three Amazon links to books you have ghostwritten. They must have the “look inside” feature enabled on Amazon.
- Three references from individuals for whom you have provided ghostwriting services. Email addresses of references are required.
- A list of your rates for these services, or your hourly rate.
When you’re ready, submit your proposal to us RIGHT HERE.
Graphic Designers
Original image creation using digital resources; Digital photo editing/manipulation/clean-up; Creation/design of marketing materials, etc.
- At least five examples of your work. We prefer to review these on your website, or your clients’ websites. Please do not email or upload multiple large graphic files to us.
- Five references from individuals for whom you have provided graphic design services. Email addresses of references are required.
- A description of your services.
- Your hourly rates for different service types.
When you’re ready, submit your proposal to us RIGHT HERE.
- At least 15 examples of your work. We prefer to review these on your website, or your clients’ websites. Please do not email or upload multiple large graphic files to us.
- Five references from individuals for whom you have provided illustration services. Email addresses of references are required.
- A description of your services.
- A list of your rates for those service.
When you’re ready, submit your proposal to us RIGHT HERE.
Translators (all languages)
- Three samples of books you have translated from another language into English.
- Five references from individuals for whom you have provided these services. Email addresses of references are required.
- A list of the different types of services you offer.
- A list of your rates for those services.
When you’re ready, submit your proposal to us RIGHT HERE.
Book Trailer Creation and/or Author Promotional Videos
- YouTube links to five book trailers and/or promotional videos you have created (not necessarily author-related).
- Five references from individuals for whom you have provided these services. Email addresses of references are required.
- A list of the different types of services you offer.
- A list of your rates for those services.
When you’re ready, submit your proposal to us RIGHT HERE.
Audiobook Creation
- Amazon links to three audiobooks you have created.
- Three references from individuals for whom you have provided these services. Email addresses of references are required.
- A list of the different types of services you offer.
- A list of your rates for those services.
When you’re ready, submit your proposal to us RIGHT HERE.
Website Design and Maintenance
- Links to five websites you have designed.
- Five references from individuals for whom you have provided website design. Email addresses of references are required.
- A list of the different types of services you offer.
- A list of your rates for those services, including website hosting and/or maintenance fees.
When you’re ready, submit your proposal to us RIGHT HERE.
Data Entry Professionals
We are often contacted by authors who only have hand-written notes, or one copy of their previously published book. They need someone to put this text into a word processing program before they can proceed with publishing their book.
- Three references from individuals for whom you have provided data processing services. Email addresses of references are required.
- A list of the different types of services you offer.
- A list of your rates for those services.
When you’re ready, submit your proposal to us RIGHT HERE.
Image / Book Page Scanning
- Three references from individuals for whom you have provided image/book page scanning (and book page conversion to text) services. Email addresses of references are required.
- A list of the different types of services you offer.
- A list of your rates for those services.
When you’re ready, submit your proposal to us RIGHT HERE.
Book Marketing Services
- Links to books you have promoted that appear on Amazon.
- Five references from individuals for whom you have provided book promotion services. Email addresses of references are required.
- A list of the different types of book promotion services you offer.
- A list of your rates for those services.
When you’re ready, submit your proposal to us RIGHT HERE.
If you provide any other service that you think our readers (authors!) will be interested in, submit your proposal to us RIGHT HERE. Email addresses of references are required.
TO BE CONSIDERED AS A RECOMMENDED SERVICE PROVIDER ON WRITERSWEEKLY’S AUTHOR SERVICE CENTER, please submit the required materials, as listed above, using the form below: