Some authors of defunct publishers only have a copy or two of their printed book, which can’t be used by another publisher or printer. Still other authors have hand-written manuscripts that need to be typed into a word processing program.
We can help!
Let our professionals quickly and accurately turn your existing manuscript into a fully editable word processing file.
C. Rusch
C. Rusch is accurate and efficient. She is also a grammar nerd, and very detail oriented. When last tested, she typed 60-63 wpm accurately.
-Transcription (recorded spoken word to word processing): $30/hr
-Digitizing hand-written material into word processing program: $30/hr
-Digitizing already-printed material (hard copy to word processing): $28/hr
-Digitizing hand-written material into word processing program: $30/hr
-Digitizing already-printed material (hard copy to word processing): $28/hr
Request a quote from C. Rusch RIGHT HERE.
C. Gallagher
C. Gallagher is a fast (97 WPM), accurate typist with a keen eye for detail and a penchant for correct grammar and spelling. A published author herself, she has worked as a legal transcriber and a verbatim court reporter, so tight deadlines producing clean copy are old friends.
– Transcription of voice recording: $25/hr
– Digitizing hand-written material: $25/hr
– Digitizing previously printed material: $20/hr
– Digitizing hand-written material: $25/hr
– Digitizing previously printed material: $20/hr
Request a quote from C. Gallagher RIGHT HERE.